CFN believes that caring for older adults living with frailty is a complex, Canada-wide issue that requires multi-faceted, national strategies and solutions, and our monthly webinars are one way we bring together talented people to focus on this goal.
No webinars are currently scheduled. Please check back periodically for updates.
View Previous Webinars
Transforming Primary Healthcare for Older Canadians Living with Frailty
READ MORE ABOUT THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION RESOURCES Improving the health of older Canadians means identifying health problems early. It means providing timely support so that manageable concerns do not spiral out of control. And, above all, it means helping health care providers actively engage older patients and their family caregivers as partners in care. Patients…
Results from the Better tArgeting, Better outcomes for frail ELderly patients Advance Care Planning Cluster Randomized Trial
BABEL ACP: Person-centered advance care planning in long-term care homes READ MORE ABOUT THE PROJECT We all age differently. Many older adults remain independent while others begin to live with frailty, experiencing more and more health issues, progressive disability, complications of care and premature death. Evidence suggests that multifaceted interventions can improve outcomes for older…
The road ahead for quality in LTC: Collaborative approaches to evidence-informed decision making
READ MORE ABOUT THE PROJECT Using a common framework and language, we hoped to ensure that high risk older adults would be appropriately identified in order that we could offer personalized care plans across home care and long-term care (LTC). We are proposed a series of targeted interventions for older adults across the continuum of…
Culture Matters in Mobilizing ACP
READ MORE ABOUT THE PROJECT Action is needed to mobilize the LGBT community and Chinese and South Asian communities to complete ACP documents and engage in goals of care conversations with appropriate others. Based on our focus groups, it is clear that the topic of ACP is not well understood by members of the South…
Advance care planning in primary & long term care
“We became much more aware of what we want, how to approach the subject, and what can be done.” READ MORE ABOUT THE PROJECT Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that supports people in understanding and sharing their personal values, life goals and preferences related to future medical care. The goal of ACP is…
Let’s Talk About Later Life!
Compassionate Ottawa presents three resources to start community conversations LEARN MORE ABOUT COMPASSIONATE OTTAWA Compassionate Ottawa is a citizen-led movement using evidence-based approaches, working in collaboration with other community groups, to change the way we think of living well, dying, death and grief, and to strengthen the capacity of people to care for each other…
PROSPECT: Probiotics to Prevent Severe Pneumonia and Endotracheal Colonization Trial
READ MORE ABOUT THE PROJECT We completed a pilot study in 14 ICUs in Canada and the United States which showed that a larger trial was feasible. Specifically, we enrolled the target number of patients, of which 40% were =65 years of age; we followed the protocol faithfully, made sure patients didn’t receive additional probiotics…
Protéger votre santé: se préparer à la saison de la grippe à l’ère de la COVID-19
Dans ce webinaire,des experts du secteur de la santé répondront à vos questions sur les raisons pour lesquelles la grippe touche plus fortement les personnes âgées, sur les vaccins recommandés et sur la façon dont la vaccination peut aider les gens à rester en bonne santé en vieillissant!
Protect the Vulnerable During COVID-19: Stay Healthy This Flu Season
The Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) presents Protecting the Vulnerable During COVID-19: How to Stay Healthy this Flu Season. In this webinar experts from the healthcare field will answer your questions on why influenza impacts older adults more heavily, what vaccinations are recommended, and how getting your vaccinations can help protect you and those around you!…
Restoring Trust: COVID-19 and The Future of Long-Term Care
In this video a panel from the Royal Society Working Group on Long-Term Care speak to the recent release of the report Restoring Trust: COVID-19 and The Future of Long-Term Care. This Policy Briefing Report on Long-Term Care focuses on the workforce. The report begins by reviewing the research context and policy environment in Canada’s…