Ethical frameworks for health policy are emerging and crucial initiatives in health care. A CFN supported research project has been developing, evaluating and disseminating information about the use of technologies of treatment and care for seriously ill and frail elderly patients and their families. An important and innovative initiative by CFN since its inception has been to develop an ethical policy framework for the entire Network over the course of all of the research activities. Listen to CFN researcher and KT committee member Dr. Paddy Rodney who describes how this framework complements the scientific evaluations undertaken by the various CFN research teams, with the goal of ensuring that technology evaluation for older adults has been matched by a thoughtful reflection on values from a Canadian context. By working toward improved treatment and care decision making for elderly and frail patients and their families in critical care and other settings, CFN aims to improve patient and family well being, as well as the efficacy and sustainability of health care teams and the health care system overall.
CFN believes that caring for older adults living with frailty is a complex, Canada-wide issue that requires multi-faceted, national strategies and solutions, and our monthly webinars are one way we bring together talented people to focus on this goal.
Patricia (Paddy) Rodney RN, MSN, PhD. is an Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator with the University of British Columbia (UBC) School of Nursing. She is also a Faculty Associate with the UBC Centre for Applied Ethics and a Research Associate with Providence Health Care Ethics Services.
Paddy’s research and publications focus on end-of-life care for seriously ill older adults and the moral climate of health care delivery. She has a particular interest in the role of ethical frameworks in policy related to health and health care.