Our portfolio by grant type or competition
CFN has funded 137 research and KT projects and directed services contracts through 26 competitions across 12 types of programs.
AVOID Frailty Regional Centres for Healthy Aging (RCHA) Grants Competition: CFN looked to fund Regional Centres for Healthy Aging (RCHA) in spreading the implementation of CFN’s AVOID Frailty Program – a community-driven health intervention that aims to enable uptake and maintenance of healthy behaviours among older adults.
Early Career Researcher (ECR) Competition: CFN is pleased to have partnered with AGE-WELL, Perley Health and Sepsis Canada to co-fund early career researchers (ECRs) in Canada. This competition was designed to help ECRs build skills, knowledge and allow them to develop early stage research programs such that they are competitive for future larger funding competitions.
Health Impact of Inactivity Grant Competition:
2020 Indigenous Health Grant Program: Funding of knowledge translation and real-world implementation proposals aimed to empower remote Indigenous communities to enable them to improve care for, and support elders to remain in their home or communities.
2020 Frailty & COVID-19 Grant Program: Funding for proposals aimed at investigating the interaction between frailty and COVID-19. Older adults living with frailty are the most vulnerable to COVID-19. As a result, CFN looked for health, social or policy research studies that investigate determinants of increased susceptibility and solutions to mitigate or prevent the differential risk to COVID-19.
2020 CFN Grants:
- Community Actions and Resources Empower Seniors (CARES)
- Preventing the transmission of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in older adults aged 60 years and above living in long term care
Knowledge Translation Grant Program: Funding to advance previously funded CFN research evidence into practice.
Transformative Grant Program: Funding for large transformative research projects that have the potential to revolutionize the care of older Canadians living with frailty, and that will have a major economic and social impact on the current Canadian healthcare system.
Core Research Grant Program: Large multidisciplinary projects that pursue integrated goal-directed programs to address major research outcomes (2 to 3 years).
Strategic Impact Grant Program: Funding to leverage new partnerships, address research in emerging strategic areas, or have a high potential for impacting policy, practice or commercialization.
Catalyst, Pilot Study and Implementation Grant Programs: Funding for pilot studies, feasibility studies and novel and innovative approaches (up to 1 year).
- 2013 Catalyst Grant Program
- 2014 Catalyst Grant Program
- 2015 Frailty Measures Implementation Grant Program
- 2015 Catalyst Grant Program
- 2015 Pilot Studies Grant Program
- 2017 Catalyst Grant Program (Medication Optimization)
- 2018 Catalyst Grant Program (Frailty Priorities)
- 2018-19 SHRF Collaborative Innovation Development Grant Competition
Health Technology Innovation Grant Program: Funding for proof-of-concept studies, the creation of a technology, or to advance the development of an existing technology to benefit the care or quality of life for older Canadians living with frailty.
Knowledge Synthesis Grant Program: Funding for projects to synthesize existing research to identify gaps and to develop tools where appropriate for Network knowledge translation activities (up to 9 months).
- 2013 Knowledge Synthesis Grant Program
- 2014 Knowledge Synthesis Grant Program
- 2015 Knowledge Synthesis Grant Program (Frailty Measures)
Directed Services Contracts:
- 2016 Frailty Priority Setting Process Competition: Funding to determine patient-centred research priorities relating to healthcare of older Canadians living with frailty, through a consultative process with equal input from the perspectives of older Canadians and their family/friend caregivers, as well as clinicians and allied healthcare professionals.
- Environmental Scan Competition: Funding for an environmental scan to systematically examine the care of the older adults living with frailty and/or nearing end of life, to quantitate the healthcare environment and the healthcare that this population receives in Canada, and to help identify health care resource utilization.