Deprescription vital to care and prevention of COVID-19 in older adults

May 27, 2020

CFN initially funded a pilot study for a tool called Med-Safer. This unique data was recently reanalysed and used to assess potentially harmful medication interactions in older adults at risk for COVID-19. Medications were flagged by MedSafer as being potentially inappropriate and new guidance was crafted around medication management for physicians contemplating the use of hydroxychloroquine in an acute care setting.

The COVID‐19 pandemic highlights the importance of medication optimization and deprescribing potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in older adults. CFN researchers Todd Lee, Emily McDonald, James Downar and their team have highlighted with this study that by acting now to reduce polypharmacy and use of PIMs, we can better prepare this vulnerable population for inclusion in trials and, if substantiated, pharmacologic treatment or prevention of COVID‐19.

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