
Physical Activity and Frailty: What do we Know?
Physical activity is as an umbrella term for being active. It includes exercise (a planned, structured, repetitive and deliberate program) as well as leisure time activities.
Everyone benefits from physical activity:
- Adults at risk of frailty and those living with frailty
- Adults living in long term care, including those at the extremes of age
- Hospitalized adults, including those who are critically ill
Download the Inactivity Prevention Package from the National Centre for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Watch Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod of BodyBreak discuss the importance of staying active here:
Experimental trials have shown that even individuals living with frailty can improve their physical function, helping them to minimize and delay aging-related declines. Aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and multi-component physical activity programs all demonstrate benefits. The improvements appear to be somewhat greater with activity programs that include specific muscle strengthening and balance training activities.
Physical activity has many benefits. Even moderate but regular exercise can produce improvements, and adjusting exercises for your ability and fitness levels is important.
Benefits include:
- Improves ability to perform daily tasks
- Helps prevent weak bones and muscle loss
- Improves joint mobility
- Improves sleep quality
- Reduces the risk of chronic conditions
- Extends years of activity and independent living
- Lowers risk of dementia
- Reduces likelihood of falling and risk of serious injury if you do fall

There is well-documented evidence that muscle strength decreases with advancing age. Muscle strength decreases approximately 12% to 15% each decade after the age of 50 in both males and females.
Many people know that strength training can help build and maintain muscle mass and strength even into old age. What many of us don’t know is that strong muscles also keep our bones strong. Stronger bones are less likely to break as we age, and keeping our muscles and bones strong is very important for mobility into old age.
The effect of physical activity on physical function is of high importance to older adults living with frailty. Evidence suggests the effects of physical activity are greater in older adults living with frailty compared to non-frail older adults.

Multi-component physical activity training is better than any one type of activity. Multi-component activities include a combination of activity types, such as:
Aerobic exercise (or endurance activities):
- Gets your heart pumping and supplies oxygen to your brain and organs
- Involves many repetitions and use of large muscle groups: walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, taking a dance class, pushing a lawn mower
- Aim to do these at least 20-30 minutes per day at a moderate intensity

Strength exercise:
- Make muscles do more work than they are used to doing during activities of daily living
- Weight training with free weights, weight machines, resistance bands or even just your own body weight
Download the Strengthening Package from the National Centre for Geriatrics and Gerontology
For more information, watch Hal Johnson & Joanne McLeod of BodyBreak discuss the importance of strength exercises:
- Aim to do strength exercises 2 days/week
- Key to building strength is that you must make your exercise program more difficult week by week and month by month. This is called progression.
Possible ways to challenge yourself with muscle-strengthening activities:
- Increase the number of repetitions (but no more than 12)
- Increase the number of sets
- Increase the resistance
- Increase the number of muscle groups or exercises
- Resistance exercise training has been found to increase strength in older adults. In fact, there have been multiple studies demonstrating that these changes can occur even into one’s 90s

Flexibility exercise:
- Stretches your muscles to help your body stay flexible
- Being flexible gives you more freedom of movement, which benefits your everyday activities and other forms of exercise
- Challenge your flexibility and balance with exercises like yoga, leg raises, swimming, and tai chi

Balance exercise:
- Strengthens the muscles that help keep you upright, including your legs and core
- These kinds of exercises can improve stability and help prevent falls
Download the Balance Improvement Package from the National Centre for Geriatrics and Gerontology
For more information, watch Hal Johnson & Joanne McLeod of BodyBreak discuss ways to improve your balance:

Functional exercise:
- Trains your muscles to work together and prepares them for daily tasks by reproducing common movements you might do during everyday living
- Involves using various muscles in the upper and lower body at the same time




How Can I Get Active?
Health Canada recommends that older adults take part in physical activity at least 2.5 hours per week—so thirty minutes each day—which you can break into 10 minute intervals: minutes count!

After being physically active, it is important to recover and recharge our body systems. Sleep changes as we age, but older adults still need 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day. Learn more about how to get the best sleep possible.
A Scoping Review of Interventions to Prevent and Treat Frailty Project
The Jintronix Technology in Emergency Departments Project
Intensive Resistance Training in Pre-frail Older Adults Project
Exercise Before Surgery for Older People with Frailty Project
Promoting Movement in Older Adults in the Community Project
Principal Investigator: Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, PhD
Principal Investigator: Susan Baptiste, MSc, OT(C)
Principal Investigator: Danielle Bouchard, PhD, MSc
Principal Investigator: Lora Giangregorio, PhD
Principal Investigator: Michelle Kho, PhD, PT
Principal Investigator: Barbara Liu, MD, FRCPC
Principal Investigator: Laurie Mallery, MD
Principal Investigator: Daniel McIsaac, MD, MPH, FRCPC
Principal Investigator: Marie-Josée Sirois, OT, PhD
Principal Investigator: Ada Tang, PT, PhD, MSc
Principal Investigator: Olga Theou, PhD
Interdisciplinary Fellowship Program Supervisor: Sandra Hundza, BSc(PT), PhD
Board of Directors Member and Citizen Engagement Committee Chair: Joyce Resin, MSW
Citizen Engagement Committee Member: Chelsia Gillis, RD, PhD(c)
International Scientific Advisory Committee Member: Matteo Cesari, MD, PhD
International Scientific Advisory Committee Member: Fabian Chin Leong Lim, BSc, MSc, MBA, PhD
Network Member: Vanina dal Bello-Haas, PhD, PT
Network Partner: Heart & Stroke Foundation
Network Partner: Reh-Fit Centre
Network Partner: Canadian Physiotherapy Association
Innovations Presented at CFN’s Annual Conference
ABLE – Arts-Based exercise enhancing LongEvity
ABLE –Arts-Based exercise enhancing LongEvity (p. 16)
The Mobilization of Vulnerable Elders (MOVE) Program (p. 27)
Elders in Motion (p. 29)
Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
Pre-Screening for Physical Activity: Get Active Questionnaire
Sarcopenia & Physical fRailty IN older people: multi-componenT Treatment strategies (SPRINTT Trial)
SPRINTT’s Poster on Aerobic Exercise
Osteoporosis Canada
“Too Fit to Fracture: Managing Osteoporosis through Exercise” Booklet
International Osteoporosis Foundation
Love Your Bones: Exercise Fact Sheet
Philips Lifeline
Fitness: A Key to Avoiding Falls in Older Adults
14 Exercises for Seniors to Improve Strength and Balance
Tai Chi for Seniors: A Safe Way to Improving Health
Physical Activity Toolkit for Older Adults
Benefits and Guidelines, Adults: 18-64
Benefits and Guidelines, Older Adults 65+
NWT Recreation & Parks Association
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Ottawa Public Health
Strength and Balance Exercises
National Institute on Aging
Exercise & Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide
Exercise and Physical Activity Resources
Exercise: A Guide from the National Institute on Aging
Active Aging Canada
The Power of Strength Training for Older Adults
2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. (2018). 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from
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Cesari, M., Vellas, B., Hsu, F. C., Newman, A. B., Doss, H., King, A. C., Manini, T. M., Church, T., Gill, T. M., Miller, M. E., & Pahor, M. (2015). A physical activity intervention to treat the frailty syndrome in older persons-results from the LIFE-P study. The Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 70(2), 2216-222. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glu099
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These are general health guidelines and should not be considered personal medical advice. Speak to your doctor before starting any new exercise programs. You should consult your health care provider and discuss each element outlined above to ensure that each element of the AVOID Frailty campaign is personally customized for you.