Boyd, Gordon

Boyd Gordon Photo

Gordon Boyd, PhD, MD

Queen’s University/Kingston General Hospital

Dr. Gordon Boyd is a Clinician-Scientist at Queen’s University, and an intensivist at Kingston General Hospital. He received his undergraduate degree (Psychology) from Lakehead University in his home town of Thunder Bay, Ontario. That was followed by his PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Alberta, where he studied the role of growth factors in peripheral nerve regeneration. In 2001 he moved to Kingston to do a post-doctoral fellowship in the Queen’s Department of Anatomy and Cell biology, examining the potential of glial cell transplantation to treat spinal cord injury. He stayed in Kingston to do his undergraduate degree in Medicine, which was followed by his residency in Neurology and fellowship in Adult Critical Care. He has been on Faculty at Queen’s University since 2013 as a clinician-scientist. His research interests are focused on the neurological consequences of critical illness, cardiac surgery, and kidney disease.  He also teaches at all levels of graduate and post-graduate medical education, on topics ranging from neuroanatomy to organ donation.